Sweet relief! 4 reasons to reach for fresh cherries when coping with stress

(BPT) – Stress is a common part of anyone’s life, and individuals have long sought natural remedies to alleviate it. Surveys have shown that Americans are turning to plant-based diets for reasons such as improving overall well-being and mood, and with good reason. Many fruits and vegetables contain specific wellness-boosting properties, with the cream of the crop touted as superfoods. Sweet cherries are certainly among them.

A growing number of studies published on the benefits of sweet cherry consumption supports these findings. Researchers from around the world, including the USDA, have identified a host of benefits including effects on certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even gout. And they’ve also uncovered qualities that can help boost stress response.

Here are four top reasons to reach for sweet cherries in times of stress:

1. Make stress eating healthy eating

According to Harvard Medical School, persistent exposure to stress may result in the release of cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite. People under stress often turn to comfort foods that are high in fat or sugar, and the associated relief can create a feedback loop that leads to overeating and weight gain.

If stress eating is an issue, reach for sweet cherries. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2002 shows that cherries are rock stars when it comes to their glycemic index of just 22 (on a scale of 0 to 100, with less than 55 considered low) and a glycemic load of just three (below 11 is low). The former number indicates how sugary a food is, while the latter adjusts for serving sizes. Plus, about 2.5g of fiber in each cup of sweet cherries means glucose is released more slowly, helping to stabilize sugar levels. Crunchy, cold and sweet, fresh cherries make an ideal snack fresh from the fridge or frozen.

2. Take the pressure off blood pressure

Stress can influence factors that contribute to hypertension. For instance, stress can encourage the nervous system to produce hormones that constrict blood vessels (vasoconstrictors) and make it more difficult for blood to circulate, causing blood pressure to rise and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eating sweet cherries has been associated with lower blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic measures. Consuming sweet cherries is correlated with a decrease in vasoconstrictors, but even better, the fruit increases the effectiveness of compounds that help widen blood vessels for easier blood flow.

3. Reduce inflammation

In times of stress, the body will instigate a “fight or flight” response and produce stress hormones, redirecting resources from other functions. With prolonged stress, that continuous state can create an inflammatory response and introduce the potential for chronic diseases.

Research shows that the dark red of sweet cherries comes from anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties that rival NSAIDs like ibuprofen. These powerful antioxidants have been shown in studies of sweet cherry consumption to help reduce oxidative stress that contributes to inflammation.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

Stress and sleep are closely intertwined. When experiencing stress, sleep can be interrupted or cut short as anxious thoughts rise to the surface. At the same time, prolonged sleep disruption can increase stress, as the body has insufficient time to recharge and repair.

Sweet cherries are a good source of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin, compounds that have a hand in regulating sleep cycles and contributing to feelings of well-being. Experts suggest enjoying a serving of the fruit about an hour before bedtime to benefit.

Stress-free snacking all summer long

While sweet cherries are available year-round in various forms — dried, frozen, canned — there’s something particularly satisfying about fresh sweet cherries. Don’t let stress-induced snacking get the best of you! When the cravings call, protect your health and reach for a summer treat, like sweet cherries, that is both good for you and tastes great.

Do You Have a Hobby?

Regina Script

Why Should You Have A Hobby

Having a hobby brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives us something fun to do during our leisure time and affords us the opportunity to learn new skills. There are so many different options out there to choose from. There are people who have devoted entire websites to hobbies and interests.

The best way to cultivate a new hobby is to try something new. There are so many benefits to having a hobby. People who have hobbies gain specialized knowledge that they can share, and teach others who are interested. Shared hobbies, and experiences bring people together. It’s also an activity to bond and share with your family. Together you can create something to pass down from generation to generation.

Hobbies help to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. They give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They allow you to relax and seek pleasure in activities that aren’t associated with work, chores or other responsibilities.

Hobbies can help you to be more patient. In order to develop a new hobby, you have to learn how to do something that is brand new to you, and that in itself will take patients in order to do it. Having a hobby can enhance your social life. There are groups for every type of hobby you can think of who get together to collaborate, share ideas, and to show off their work. Hobbies are a great way to meet and get closer to people who have the same interests as you.

It’s inspiring to me when I see some of the finished works of others, like quilts made with a piece of history from each generation. I saw one that was originated by a great-great-great grandmother. This quilt was passed down to the next generation who added to it before passing it down to the next. I have never seen something so beautiful, and special like this in my life, and it is something I wished I had a mindset to do.

I started with crocheting. I wanted all of my children, and grandchildren to have a blanket with their favorite colors made my me. After I complete a blanket I fold it with Downy sheets, place it into a plastic bed-in-bag cover, and I buy a beautiful gift bag with paper and deliver it to my babies.

I’m a very sentimental person, and I want my family to always have a piece of my heart with them always. I told them the blankets represent a big hug from me, so take good care of them. Do you know that hobbies increase your confidence and self-esteem. Any activity that you can excel in is an opportunity for you to build your confidence and self-esteem.

When I was young I used to wonder why I was asked on job applications what are your hobbies, or told to include my hobbies on my resumes. I thought this question was a little intrusive, so I Googled the question to ask why, and here is the answer.

“Interviewers will want to know if you are passionate about certain things. They may ask you about your hobbies, interests, and activities outside of work if they are truly interested in you as a candidate. Some employers also ask about your hobbies to get a sense of your ability to balance your work and personal life.”

Hobbies have a great significance, they give you something to do when you find yourself with nothing to fill your time, they give you an activity that you can look forward to and get excited about. They help you to develop new skills to add to resume.

Hobbies enrich your life and gives you a different perspective on things that will help you grow in various ways, including exposing you to new opinions and to new ways to look at life.

I managed to incorporate a hobby on date night for me and my hubby. I would make us a romantic meal, a nice Sangria and we built the three potted plants with flowers together, and added the stickers Home, Sweet, Home. We also did a Sip & Paint and made the Stith paddle board for our front door. He really enjoyed this. My husband played our favorite music, grabbed our huge glasses of Sangria and painted away.

We had a lot of fun doing that together, and we were so proud of how it came out. Having hobbies will have you making some great memories too. I eventually got caught up in making keychains out of Pandora beads, and using wine corks to make picture frames, bulletin boards, and magnets for the fridge, and mason jars to make hand soaps. Hobby Lobby, and Michael’s are my MVP’s, Walmart, and Amazon are my next go to places.

During the pandemic is a great time to start a hobby, so what are you waiting for, make some memories, relieve some stress, and start one.